Power your dApp with the most secure data feeds in DeFi.
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dAPI Features
API3 data feeds (dAPIs) source their data directly from high-quality data providers, without security-reducing middlemen. dAPI updates are always aggregated on the native chain, meaning your dApp will never be vulnerable to bridge exploits.
Native-chain aggregated
Native-chain aggregated
Cross-chain bridges have historically posed an at best expensive and at worst existential risk to dApps that rely on them as a centralized point of failure.
API3’s dAPIs aggregate their data directly on the native chain, improving the security of your dApp, and eliminating the risk of getting caught in the next bridge hack.
Thanks to our provider-operated oracle node, Airnode, API3 data feeds are powered by data directly from some of the world’s most premier asset price data providers. Since dAPIs aggregate data without middleman node operators, the data sources used by dAPIs are always transparent.
You can utilize dAPIs for your dApp on all of the most popular EVM-compatible networks, such as Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, BNB Chain and many others. API3 supports a multi-chain future, and we strive to grow the list of supported networks as new chains appear and gain popularity.
Simple to integrate
Simple to integrate
dAPIs provide a seamless low-code deployment for DeFi applications of all kinds. Through an integration that comes in around a single line of code, your smart contracts gain the ability to directly interface with secure, accurate and reliable real-time market data. Whether you're an experienced blockchain developer or just starting on your path into Web3, API3's dAPIs provide a secure and straightforward way to enhance your application's functionality and resilience.
Integrate a dAPI
Visit dAPI Docs to Get Started
Oracle Extractable Value
Get infinitely granular* oracle updates and recapture value normally lost to MEV.
*OEV data feed updates do not rely on price deviation thresholds and are not limited by gas prices, making them as high-fidelity as the underlying data sources.
Can't find what you're looking for?
If you need a data feed for your dApp but can’t find it on the API3 Market, or are building on a currently unsupported network, please get in touch with us.
Data Feed resources